DataForWind: Services for Professionals in Wind Energy

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What DataForWind brings me?

by Yves Cabooter from 3E

3E aims to contribute to the development of a sustainable energy supply by providing services in project development, product development, applied research, market studies and consultancy.
3E strives towards the innovation and economic application of energy systems and products in the fields of :

- Energy in buildings
- Solar thermal systems
- Solar photovoltaics
- Wind energy
- Hydro power

A pro-active approach is essential to maintaining a central position in the rapidly changing energy market structure where new technologies are becoming of increasing importance. Continuous exchange of knowledge within an extended international network is the basis of 3E’s innovation and market competence.

Within the wind energy domain, 3E is collaborating in new and innovating projects allowing the development of new concerns and approaches of the practices. As the access of geographical information is of tremendous importance is the different phases of a wind farm life, 3E with its international network of partners is evaluating the benefits of Earth Observation based information in its all-day practices.

In this framework, DataForWind web service brings a breakthrough in our way of accessing orographic information. It is a fast, reliable and accurate service for obtaining the relief description of our main areas of interest. We are able to download quickly a precise description of the studied area with a better accuracy than the data previously used. A comparison of the data with a well studied area are proven the quality of the DataForWind database.

I am really satisfied by this new service that contribute in the best possible way to the main concern of 3E:

Not facing but shaping the changes.


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